Groups » Health & Wellness » Power of Music

Group Info

  • Power of Music Health & Wellness
    Music can be relaxing, healing or just something to keep us company.
  • Techi Jedi (owner)
    • 6,601 total views
    • 4 total members
    • Last updated October 31, 2023
  • click to rate


  • 12 replies
    Last Post by Web Diva
    October 27, 2023

    What Was The First Single You Bought?

    When we talk about "The Power Of Music" we often talk about memories, so thinking back to the first single you bought, what memories does it conjure up for you? My first single (on vinyl) was "Long Haired Lover From Liverpool" by Jimmy Osmond i...
  • 0 replies
    Last Post by Web Diva
    July 28, 2023

    Taj Farrant- unbelieble very young gifted musician

    You may or may not like classic rock, or the sound of an electric guitar however it's hard to not appreciate Taj's talent. If you have been a fan of Stevie Ray Vaughan (RIP) Jeff Healey (RIP), et al., you will be impressed with this young man's talent. Ta...