Global Friend's Realm's
Connect with friend's in their realm's from all around the world!
32 members found.
Web Diva
You never know what creatures are under and about something... I have an umbrella out back where I have to shake it before I open it up to make sure nothing has slithered inside it before I open it. OMG!! :-O
Sep 3
Drac Morbis
We have a new landlord, and they are supposed to be doing
"inspections". *sighs So Heather and I spent several *stressful* days
cleaning, but all they did was send the maintenance person to see what needed to be fixed. lol
But, hopefully, the real inspection will be simple. The biggest
annoyance is that I have to cut the grass now, and it's about maybe a
1/4 acre. Still, that's a lot. And no shade! We found a lawnmower on
Amazon. We'll see what happens!!
Aug 17
Techi Jedi
Chat is disabled and won't be back. Vulnerabilities.
May 30
Alexis Bello
The eclipse was AWESOME!! How did everyone else enjoy it? :)
Apr 9
Peppa P
Hello all, here to say hi to Donna
Aug 24
Mikel Coreclark
Oh my days... who of thought remodeling a bathroom could make so much dust... on the upside.. I found a on old dead spider... wonder what that antique could fetch..
Jan 3