These Laundry Hacks Will Make Your Life Easier

  • Member
    October 28, 2023 4:22 PM CDT
    The below link is a compilation of laundry hacks from getting your stains out of your clothes, to making your workout clothes smell better and how to not damage your clothes in the washer or dryer and more. />

    Laundry often feels like a never-ending chore. And while no hack can truly address the inherently Sisyphean task, there are tips for making the process less painful. Read on for time- and sanity-saving methods for everything from making your whites whiter and extending the longevity of your clothing to cleaning your washing machine for maximum performance.

    My laundry hack for keeping white socks white is I always put white clothing together by itself and I use oxy-cleaning powder, full scoop, on the almost hot water setting. The hot water breaks down the elastic in socks and so does bleach so I don't ever use hot water on clothing. I haven't used bleach in many years.